Impact Statement

Welcome to the Croatian Scholarship Fund
The Croatian Scholarship Fund (CSF) is a non-political, charitable, non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization established in 1989 in Northern California. The primary purpose of this unique organization is to develop leaders for Croatia’s future by providing financial assistance to highly qualified students of Croatian origin, living in Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovina, so that they may attend a university in Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Hrvatski fond za stipendije (CSF) je nepolitička, dobrotvorna, neprofitna 501 (c) (3) organizacija koja je osnovana 1989. godine u sjevernoj Kaliforniji. Primarna svrha ove jedinstvene organizacije je razviti lidere za budućnost Hrvatske pružanjem financijske pomoći visokokvalificiranim studentima hrvatskog podrijetla, koji žive u Hrvatskoj ili Bosni i Hercegovini, kako bi mogli pohađati sveučilište u Hrvatskoj ili Bosni i Hercegovini.
To find out more about sponsorship, and possibly sponsor a student, please click on the button below.
CSF is grateful to individuals and organizations that sponsor and fully fund student scholarships. In addition to CSF scholarships fully funded by individuals and organizations, CSF administers two Endowment funds and a Memorial fund. Scholarships from two Endowment funds, the Dragica Krog Radoš and the Mike Grgich fund, can be awarded only to students enrolled in a specific field of study. The third fund, Tony Ujdur Memorial, is available to students in all fields of study. To learn more about these funds, please click on the link below.
Meet our Students
Petra Mila Galvan
University: University of Zagreb
Place of Birth:
Sponsor: Grgich Endowement
Mario Crnov
University: University of Split
Major: Computer Science
Place of Birth:
Sponsor: Tony Ujdur Memorial
Taša Đukić
University: University of Zagreb
Major: Civil Engineering
Place of Birth:
Sponsor: Mr. & Mrs. Darko & Marina Sertić
Lovro Horvat
University: University of Zagreb
Major: Pharmacy
Place of Birth:
Sponsor: Mr. Tomislav Kundić
Dora Jonlija
University: University of Sarajevo
Major: Music Theory and Education
Place of Birth:
Sponsor: Ms. Sharon Bronzan
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